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Cocaine Overdose

A cocaine overdose can happen from ingesting even the smallest amount of the drug, because using this powerful stimulant can reduce the flow of oxygen to the heart. Cocaine use can cause the heart muscle to have to work markedly harder, which can potentially lead to a heart attack or a stroke, even in an otherwise healthy individual. Using cocaine has also been reported to elevate blood pressure, which, in turn, could cause weakened blood vessels in the brain to burst. The individual that is in the throes of a cocaine overdose has the potential to begin to experience seizures or heart failure and their breathing can become much weaker or cease altogether, which could result in death.

Cocaine overdose symptoms are sometimes reported to be intense, and often appear to be similar to the end of the "high" that is experienced by the user. The person that is experiencing a cocaine overdose may begin to talk excessively, have a high pulse rate, act aggressively and become noticeably paranoid; additionally, a cocaine overdose can cause an irregular heartbeat and a marked elevation of blood pressure. An individual who is experiencing a cocaine overdose may begin to choke or vomit; it is at this point, that the individual should be turned onto their side.

A cocaine overdose can occur when an individual ingests toxic levels of the powerful stimulant; in turn, they can experience seizures, which could be followed by respiratory or circulatory depression. A high level of cocaine toxicity can lead to death from complete respiratory failure, stroke, brain hemorrhage, or heart failure. A cocaine overdose may cause an individual to develop a high fever, due to the stimulation and increased muscular activity, which can produce dangerously high levels of heat. A cocaine overdose can induce hyperthermia, which can cause the muscle cells in various different parts of the body to be damaged, potentially resulting in organ failure.

A cocaine overdose also has the potential to cause irreversible damage to some of the major systems in the body, including the brain and the central nervous system. A cocaine overdose can also cause extensive damage to many of the bodies major organs, including the liver, intestines, and the reproductive system; damage to an individual's reproductive organs may also lead to various other problems, that may include impotence and infertility.

A cocaine overdose requires immediate emergency medical treatment; this type of emergency recovery care may consist of the patient receiving a sedative, such as Xanax, in order to decrease their elevated heart rate and blood pressure. Hospitals that are treating an individual for a cocaine overdose may use ice and cold blankets in order to treat hyperthermia, and administer regular doses of Tylenol in order to reduce fever. There is no officially approved antidote that can counteract the damaging effects of a cocaine overdose in humans, but researchers have found that certain types of drugs have been useful in treating lab animals that have been given toxic amounts of the powerful stimulant.